Assessment of systolic left ventricular rotation in horses with two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography
Christoph A. Fischer and Heidrun Gehlen
Klinik für Pferde, Allgemeine Chirurgie und Radiologie, Freie Universität Berlin
DOI: 10.21836/PEM20200401
Standing laparoscopic repair of an uterine rupture in a post-partum mare
Mario Delcazo1, Jennifer Nieth2, Axel Wehrend2 and Michael Röcken1
1Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen. Veterinary Faculty. Clinic for Horses. Department for Surgery
2Justus-Liebig University, Giessen, Veterinary Faculty, Clinic for Gynaecology and Obstetrics
DOI: 10.21836/PEM20200402
Gastric impaction and secondary oesophageal obstruction in a pony – the additional value of total body CT in cases of chronic colic
Nienke W. Kuijpers1, Marianne M. Sloet van Oldruitenborgh-Oosterbaan1,2 and Stefanie Veraa1
1Department of Clinical Sciences, Discipline of Diagnostic Imaging, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University, Utrecht
2Department of Clinical Sciences, Discipline of Equine Internal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University, Utrecht
DOI: 10.21836/PEM20200403
Myonecrosis caused by double infection of S. equi subspecies zooepidermicus and Clostridium novyi type A in a horse
Alfredo García1, María Gil-Molino2, Javier Galapero3, María Martin-Cuervo4, Beatriz Fuentes-Romero4 and Manuel Iglesias-García4
1Department of Animal Production, CICYTEX-La Orden, Guadajira, Spain
2Service of Reception and Diagnosis of Samples, Clinical Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the University of Extremadura, Cáceres, Spain
3Histology and Pathological Anatomy Unit, Department of Animal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Extremadura, Cáceres, Spain
4Large Animal Surgery Service, Clinical Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the University of Extremadura, Cáceres, Spain
DOI: 10.21836/PEM20200404
Fallstudie zur digitalen Aufzeichnung der Staubentwicklung in Abhängigkeit von der Lüftungsöffnung und der Einstreu in einem Pferdestall
Conny Herholz1, Jan Kocher1, Peter Küng2 und Alexander Burren1
1Hochschule für Agrar-, Forst und Lebensmittelwissenschaften, Zollikofen, Schweiz
2MUUTU AG, Bern, Schweiz
DOI: 10.21836/PEM20200405
Relationship between intracellular free magnesium concentration and the degree of insulin resistance in horses with equine metabolic syndrome
Judith C. Winter1, Eva Müller1, Gerhard Sponder2, Roswitha Merle3, Jörg R. Aschenbach2 and Heidrun Gehlen1
1Equine Clinic: Surgery and Radiology, Freie Universität Berlin
2Institute of Veterinary Physiology, Freie Universität Berlin
3Institute of Veterinary Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Freie Universität Berlin
DOI: 10.21836/PEM20200406
Zur prinzipiellen Unterbindung des direkten Zugangs zu den Befindlichkeiten des Pferdes
Heinz Meyer
DOI: 10.21836/PEM20200407