Pferdeheilkunde-Equine Medicine, Vol. 12, Issue 4, July/August 1996

Ethics of the use of horses for sports
Elizabeth Atwood Lawrence
Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine

History of U.S. equine welfare and legislation
Carolyn L. Stul
Veterinary Medicine Extension, School of Veterinary Medicine. University of California Dois

Welfare of sport horses: Role of the rider
B. Auvinet, C. Coureau1 and P. Galloux2
1Unite de Médecine du Sport Humaine et Equine Comparée Pégass Mayenne), Centre Hospitaler, Laval Cedex, France 
2National Equestrian School, Saumur, France

Modifications to the 1996 Olympic 3-Day-Events to optimise safety under hot and humid conditions
H. Foreman
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, College of Veterinary Medione. Department of Veterinary Clinical Medicine, Urbana, Binos, USA

Physiological responses to stress in the horse
J. H. Foreman1  and Adriana Feriazzo2
1 University of Illinois, College of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Vetennery Cinics Medicine, Urbane, USA 
2Universita di Messina, Instituto of Fisiologia Veterinaria, Messinia, Italy

Thermoregulation in the horse exercising under hot and humid conditions
JH. Foreman
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, College of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Veterinary Clinical Medicine, Urbana, inois USA

Salivary cortisol in stallions: the relationship with plasma levels, daytime profile and changes in response to semen collection
D. Lebelt, Sandra Schönverter and A. J. Zanela
Institut für Tierhygiene, Verhaltenskunde und Tierschutz. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany

Plasma levels of ẞ-endorphin and in vitro lymphocyte proliferation as indicators of welfare in horses in normal or restrained conditions
Elisabetta Canal1, V. Ferrantel1, S. Mattiello1, P. Sacerdote2, A. E. Panera2, D. Lebelt3 and A. Zanella3
1situto di Zootecnica, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Milan
2Dipartimento di Farmacologia, University of Mian 
3Institut für Tierhygiene, Verhaltenskunde und Tierschutz, Ludwig-Maxinlans-Universitt, Munich

Is vasopressin a “stress hormone” in the horse?
Sara Nyman1, Eva Hydbring2 and Kristina Dahlbom2
1Department of Medicine and Surgery 
2Department of Animal Physiology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Changes in plasma cortisol, plasma ẞ-endorphin, heart rate, haematocrit and plasma protein concentration in horses during restraint and use of a naso-gastric tube
Eva Hydbring1, Sara Nyman2 and Kristina Dahlbom1
1Department of Animal Physiology, 
2Department of Medicine and Surgery, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Uppsala, Sweden

The pharmacologic effects of isoxsuprine
J. D. Harkins and T. Tobin
Maxwell H. Guck Equane Research Genter and the Department of Veterinary Science, University of Kentucky, Lexington

A non-invasive method of quantification of muscle damage based on the kinetics of plasma creatine-kinase activity vs. time: a review
J. P. Braun, Veronique Lassourd, H. P. Lefebvre and P. L. Toutan
URA INRA Physiopathologle at Toxicologia Expérimentales & Département des Sciences Blologiques at Fonctionnelles 
Ecole Nationale Vetthaire, 23 Chemin des Capelles, 31076 Toulouse Cedex, France

Effects of trailer transport duration on body weight and blood biochemical variables of horses
M. A. Foss1 and A. Lindner2
1Windy Pliage Sports Medicine Center, Washougal, Washington, UsA 
2Arbeitsgruppe Pterd, Bonn, Germany

Bodyweight, fluid and electrolyte, and hormonal changes in horses that successfully completed a 5 day, 424 kilometer endurance competition
H. C. Schatt1, Kelley S. McGlade2, Malissa T. Hines2 and Annette Petersen1
1Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Michigan State University, East Lansing 
2Vetennary Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Washington State University, Pullman

Voluntary salt (NaCl) intake in Standardbred horses
Anna Jansson1, Asa Rytthammar2, J. E. Lindberg2 and Knistina Dahlbom1
1Department of Animal Physiology, 
2Department of Animal Nutrition and Management, Swedish University of Agricultures Sciences, Upossa, Sweden

Temperature changes during strenuous exercise in different body compartments of the horse
M. A. Weishaupt1, H. Staempf2, R. Billeter3 and R. Straub4
1Department of Veterinary Surgery, University of Zurich, Switzerland 
2Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Ontario Veterinary College. University of Guelph, Canada
3Institute of Anatomy, University of Berne, Switzerland 
4Clinic of Equine Medicine, University of Bane, Switzenand

Performance testing and improvement in human athletes
B. Auvinet
Unite de Médecine cu Sport Humaine et Equine Comparée (Pégase-Mayenne), Centre Hospitalier, Laval Cedex

Introduction into performance evaluation in the equine
S. Wicker
Equine Research Center, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona CA 91768, USA

Effects of hyperhydration on cardiorespiratory and metabolic responses to exercise in horses during a simulated 2nd day of the 3-day-event
LA. Sosa León1, D. R. Hodgson1, D. L. Evans2, G. P. Carison3 and RJ. Rose
1Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, 1Animal Health and 
2Animal Science, University of Sydney, Australia 
3Department of Medicine, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Califormia, Davis

Characterization of a standard exercise to fatigue test in Thoroughbred horses
C. W. Travers, AJ. Guthrie and R. J. Lund
Equine Flesearch Centre, Faculty of Vatarinary Solence. Onderstepoort, South Africa

Correlation of racing performance with fitness parameters after exercise tests on treadmill and on track in Standardbred racehorses
Lucia Casini1 and G. F. Greppf2
1Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pisa 
2Chair of Biomathematics, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Milano, Italy

Multivariate analysis of exercise parameters measured during the training of Thoroughbred racehorses
J. P. Valette1, P. H. Holes2 and R. Waiter3
1INRA EA Blomécanique du Cheva, Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire, Maisons-Alfort, France
2Garde Flepublicane, Régiment de cavalerie. Service vetannara, Paris, Franos
3Unité de Nutrition, Ecole Nationale Viétonnan, Masons-Alfort, France

Conditioning effects in horses of exercise of 5, 15 or 25 minutes’ duration at two blood lactate concentrations
Jutta Werkmann, A. Lindner and H. H.L Sasse
Arbeitsgruppe Pherd, Bann
“Department of Equine Medicine of the Veterinary Faculty. Giessen, Germany

Changes in fitness during prolonged training in Standardbred horses
Cathy M. Tyler, Lorraine C. Goiland”, D. L. Evans”, D. R. Hodgson and R. J. Rose
Department of Animal Health and “Department of Animal Science, Rural Veternary Centre, Camden, Australia

Effects of glycogen depletion on high intensity exercise performance and glycogen utilisation rates
A. J. Davie, D. L. Evans, D. R. Hodgson and R. J. Rose
Equine Performance Laboratory, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Sydney

Within day changes in blood glucose and plasma insulin concentrations and erythrocytes enzyme activities in race horses at rest
T. Arai, M. Sugawara, T. Sako” and S. Motoyoshi
Departments of Veterinary Biochemistry and “Internal Medicine, Nippon Veterinary and Animal Science University, Tokyo

Concentration and composition of serum acid glycosaminoglycans in horses
A. Calatroni, Rosalia Vinci, Alicia M. Ferlazzo and Adriana Ferfazzo
Istituto pluridisciplinare di Fissiologis Umana, and 
“Istituto di Falslogia Generale e Speciale degli Animali domestici e Chimica Blologica, University of Messina, Italy

Coefficient of variation of and effect of conditioning on concentration of plasma total and free lodothyronines in Thoroughbred horses
Adriana Ferlazzo. Esterine Fazio, P. Medica and A. Lindner
Institute of Veterinary Physiology, University of Messina tilly 
“Arbeitsgruppe Ptard, Bonn, Germany

Serum muscular enzymes (CPK/AST) and plasma progesterone in Thoroughbred mares in training
isabelle Gigi, A. Agüero, D. O. Maizón and N. E. Carou
Ansa de Tenogenologia, Depto, de Medicina, Facultad de Gs. Veterinanas, Liniversidan de Buenos Aires

The effect of N,N-dimethylglycine on athletic performance at altitude in horses and mules
Holly M. Greene1, S. J. Wickler1, R. E. Bray1, Melinda J. Burnil1 and C. London2
1Equine Research Center, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, California, USA 
2Rock Creek Pack Station, Bishop, California, USA

Effects of three repetitive loads of incremental exercise on circulating erythrocytes in Thoroughbred horses
K. Hanzawa1, K. Kubo2, M. Kai3, A. Hiraga3 and S. Watanabe1
1Department of Zootechnical Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture, Tokyo 
2Japan Livestock Technology Association, Tokyo 
3Equine Research Institute, Japan Racing Association, Tokyo

PCV and plasma biochemistry in relation to fitness of horses competing in endurance rides
P. Jahn1, Helena Härtlová2, M. Mal3, R. Kabet1 and J. Hanák1
1University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Clinic of equine medicine, Brno, Czech Republic 
2City Hospital, Česk Brod, Czech Republic 
3City Hospital, Moravská Třebová, Czech Republic

Discrimination between endurance horses with different performance records
J. L. L. Rivero
Anatomy and Embryology Unit, Department of Comparative Anatomy and Pathological Anatomy, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Cordoba, Spain

Histochemical properties and enzyme activities of skeletal muscle in Chilean draught horses
J. L. L. Rivero1, A. falas2, M. Quezade2, G. Mora2, M. Briones2, J. Lopez2, G. Aguirre2 and Loma Marin2
1Anatomy and Embryology Unt, Department of Comparative Anatomy and Pathological Anatomy, Faculty of Veterinary Scences, University of Cordoba. Spain 
2Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Concepcion, Chillan, Chile

Immunohistochemistry versus traditional myofibrillar ATPase histochemistry for identification of muscle fibre types in horses
LL Rivero
Anatomy and Embryology Unit Decanment of Comptomy and Patholinical Ascomy, Faculty of Vetery Scence, Unwesty of Conten

Fast myosin heavy chain isoforms in horse skeletal muscle: an immunohistochemical and electrophoretic study
JLL Rivero
Anatomy and Embryology Unit, Department of Comperative Anatomy and Pathological Anatomy, Faculty of Veterinary Science University of Cordoba, Spain

The amazing career of the respiratory system in equine exercise research
H. H. L. Sasse
Justus-Liebig-University of Giessen, Germany

The effect of overtraining on plasma cortisol concentrations at rest and in response to exercise and administration of synthetic adrenocorticotropin in Standardbred racehorses
Lorraine C. Golland, D. L. Evans, G. M. Stoom, C. M. Tyler1, R. J. Rose2 and D. R. Hodgson2
1Depertments of Animal Sovence, Veterinary Clinical Sciences, University of Bydney, and 
2Animal Hesith, Runal Veterinary Centre. University of Sydney, Camden, Australia

Thyroid hormone concentrations in racing Thoroughbreds
W. Bayly, R. Andrea, B. Smith, J. Stenslike1 and G. Bergama1
1Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Washington State University, Pufman 
2Traber, Bergama, ant Simkins, inc, uwila Station, Seveme

The effect of different grades of laryngeal function on arterial blood gases during exercise
R. M. Christley, D. R. Hodgson1′, D. L. Evans2 and R. J. Rose
Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Animal Health and “Animal Science, The University of Sydney, Australia

Evaluation of pulmonary wedge pressure in horses with and without left heart abnormalities detected by echocardiography
Birgit Frühauf, P. Stadler and E Deegen
Klinik für Pterde der Tierarztlichen Hochschule Harnover

Nitric oxide during exercise and pulmonary disease in the horse
P. C. Mills, D. J. Marlin, Caroline M. Scott, I. Casas and Nicola C. Smith
Animal Health Trust, Newmarket Suffolk

Oxidative stress during exercise in racehorses: Relationships between nutrition, training and biochemical defences against free radicals
L. Avelin, E. Chiaradia, F. Rueca, A. Spatema, A. Galli and G. Frugandi
Centro di Studio del Gavallo Sportivo. Università degli Studi of Perugia

The successful elimination of mucosal dwelling cyathostome larvae with fenbendazole at a dose rate of 7.5 mg/kg bodyweight daily for 5 days
Elisabeth. M. Abbott1‘, J. L. Duncan2 and K. Bairden3
1Clinical Development Antiparasitics, Hoechst Veterinär GmbH, Wiesbaden, Germany 
2Dept. of Veterinary Medicine, University of Glasgow, Veterinary School, Glasgow, UK 
3Dept. of Veterinary Parasitology, University of Glasgow, Veterinary School, Glasgow, UK

Prevalence and eradication of equine infectious anemia (EΙΑ) in Slovenia
Clinic for Ruminants. Veterinary Faculty University of Ljubana, Slovens

The monitoring of infectious diseases in Switzerland
H. P. Meier1 and Ruth Hauser2
1Klinik für Nutztiere und Pferde der Universität Bern, Bern
2Bundesamt für Veterinärwesen, Bern-Liebefeld

Physiologic changes during maximal treadmill exercise of poorly performing Standardbred horses with or without tracheal blood post-exercise
J. Pringle¹, Chrysann Collatos¹, Heather Briand², Kathleen MacMillan¹ and S. Webster¹
Departments of Health Management¹ and Anatomy and Physiology, University of Prince Edward Island, Prince Edward Island, Canada

Pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of common causes of lameness
A. Holm1 and J. H. Foreman2
1A.W.H. Bjerke Dyrehospital, Årvoll, Oslo, Norway
2University of Illinois, College of Veterinary Medicine, Urbana, USA

Racing injuries of two year old Thoroughbreds and Quarter Horses
Julia H. Wilson1, R. C. Jensen2 and R. A. Robinson1
1Department of Clinical & Population Sciences, St. Paul
2Illinois Racing Board, Chicago

Significance of high heart rate recorded during standardized field exercise tests in the detection of orthopaedic diseases in Standardbred trotters
Anne Couroucé, O. Geffroy, J.-C. Chatard and B. Auvinet
Unité, de Médecine du Sport Humaine et Equine Comparée (Pégase-Mayenne), Département de Médecine du Sport, Centre Hospitalier de Lavals, France and Laboratoire de Physiologie, GIP Exercice, Faculté de Médecine de Saint-Etienne, France

The application of a radiographic index to the prevention of dorsal metacarpal disease in Thoroughbred racehorses
Nicole C. Larkin1 and Helen M. S. Davies2
1Equine Sports Medicine Research Centre Meltxoume. Victoria Australa 
2Equine Clinical Research Unit. University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Effects of intravenously administered sodium hyaluronate on equine carpal joints with osteochondral fragments under exercise
C. E. Kawcak, D. D. Frisbie, C. W. Mcllwraith, G. W. Trotter, S. M. Gillette, B. E. Powers and R. M. Walton
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USA

Differentiation of navicular region pain from other forms of palmar heel pain
T. A. Turner
College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, U.S.A.

Distributions of local anesthetics injected into the distal inter- phalangeal joint and podotrochlear bursa: An experimental study
R. M. Bowker, K. Linder, Kimberly K. Van Wulfen, R. L. Perry* and P. J. Ocello
Department of Anatomy and “Section of Radiology, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, Michigan State University, USA

Injuries of the accessory ligament of the superficial digital flexor tendon (proximal check ligament) in sport and race horses
JM. Denoix Guzien and P. Perrot
Eccle Nationale Vétérinaire d’Alfort, Clinique équine-INRA-Laboratore d’Anatomis, Massons-Alfort Cedex, France

Lameness detection using an accelerometric device
E. Barrey1  and F. Desbrosse2
1INRA, Station de Génétique Quantitative et Appliquée, Groupe cheval, Jouy-en-Josas, France
2 linique Vétérinaire, Saint Lambert des Bois, France

Microanatomy of the intersection of the distal sesamoidean impar ligament and the deep digital flexor tendon: A preliminary report
R. M. Bowker and Kimberly K. Van Wulfen
Department of Anatomy, Michigan State University, USA

Ultrasound diagnosis of meniscal injuries in horses
J. M. Denolx and V. Lacombe
Clinique équine-INRA-Laboratoire d’Anatomie, Ecole Nationale Viétérinaire d’Affort, France

Thermography as an aid in the localization of upper hindlimb lameness
T. A. Turmer
College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota, USA

The potential role of the muscle in kinematic characteristics
J-LL. Alvero1 and Hillary M. Clayton2
1natomy and Embrydingy Unit, Department of Comperative Anatomy and Plathological Anatomy, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, University of Odrodba, Spain 
2Department of Veterinary Anatomy, University of Saskatchewan, Canada

A comparison of horn quality of the white line in the domestic horse (Equus caballus) and the Przewalski horse (Equus przewalskii)
K.-D. Budras and Christina Schiel
Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Veterinär-Anatomie, Berlin

The influence of conformation on fore and hind limb kinematics of the trotting Dutch Warmblood horse
W. Back1, H. C. Schemharat2 and A. Bemeveld1
1Department of General and Large Animal Surgery, Utrecht University. The Netherlarichs 
2Department of Vatarmary Anatomy, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Kinematics of unmounted and mounted horses at walk before and after treadmill exercise
Marianne M. Sloat van Claruitenborgh-Oosterbaar, A. Barneveld and H.C. Schamhardt
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University

Linear Kinematics of Water Jumping in Olympic Show Jumpers
Hillary M. Clayton, G. R. Colborne”, J. Lanovaz and Theresa E Burns
Departments of Veterinary Anatomy, “Anatomy and “Mechanical Engineering. University of Saskatchewan, Canada

Variability of muscle fibre type composition in a number of genealogical bloodlines in Arabian and Andalusian horses
J. L. L. Rivero1, M. Valera2, A. Serrano1 and M. Vinuesa3
1Anatomy and Embryology Unit, Department of Comparative Anatomy and Pathological Anatomy, and 
2Department of Genetics, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Cordoba, Spain
3Military Horse Farm, General Directorate of Cria Caballar, Ministry of Defense, Jerez de la Frontera, Spain

The effects of different exercise conditions on metacarpal bone strains in Thoroughbred racehorses
Helen M. S. Davies
Equine Cirical Research Unit, Department of Veterinary Science, University of Melbourne, Australia

Time-motion analysis in the sport of dressage
Hary M. Clayton
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada

A technical report on the distribution of strain in the hoof wall of a standing horse before and after trimming
Helen M. S. Davies
Equine Clinical Research Unit, Department of Veterinary Science, University of Maboume, Australa

Musculoskeletal injuries in the horse: the uses and limits of diagnostic ultrasonography
Sue Dyson
Boune Centre Animal Health Trust, Newmarket, UK

Uses and limitations of thermography
T. A Turmer
College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota

Use of magnetic resonance imaging in equine lameness diagnosis
J. H. Foreman
University of incis, College of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Veterinary Clinical Medicine, Ursana, USA.

The role of breeding in sports performance and health with special emphasis on lameness prevention
A. Barneveld
Department of General and Large Animal Surgery, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht, The Natharlands

Collection in the passage and piaffe of Spanish Purebred horse. A preliminary report.
F. Miró, J. L. Morales, G. Garcia-Palma and A. M. Galisteo
Anatomy and Embryology Unit, Department of Compared Anatomy and Pathology, Veterinary Faculty. University of Cordoba, Spain

Review of respiratory noises (‘Kehlkopfpfeifen’) in the horse
Mananne M. Stost van Oldruitenborgh-Doste/baan
Department of Large Animal Medicine and Nutittion, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht Linvensity, The Netherlands

The use of EEG and ECG Ambulatory technique in horses: Preliminary observations
G. Giovagnoli1, M. R. de Feo2, M. Frascarelli2 and F. Porciello1
1Centro di Studio del Cavallo Sportivo, Università degli Studi di Perugia, Italy
2Dipertimento di Scienze Neurologiche, I Neurofisiopatologia, Università “La Sapienza”, Roma, Italy