Pferdeheilkunde-Equine Medicine, Vol. 15, Issue 6, November/December 1999

Sexual behaviour and fertility in lcelandhorse herds
B. Steinbjörnssonl and H. Kristjansson2
I Klinik lüf Pferde, Tierärztliche Hochschlle Hannover, Germany; , lsteka-lcelandic Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Beykiavik, lceländ

Ontogeny of sexual behavior in stallions
Sue M. McDonnell
Havemeyer Equine Behavior Lab, lJniversity of Pennsylvania, Schoolof Veterinary Medicine, New Bolton Center

Diagnosis and therapy of copulatory disorders of the stallion
E. Kug, C.P. Baftmann and Heidrun Gehlen
Klinik ftlr Pferde der Tierärztlichen Hochschule Hannover, Germany

Disturbed testicular descent in horses – principles, diagnosis and therapy
J.E. Cox
Universitv of Liverpool, UK

Testicular sonography and biopsy in the stallion – Indication, techniques and diagnostic relevance 
C.P. Baftmann1, H.-A. Schoon2, K. Lorberl , his Brickwedell and E.Kug1
1Klinik für Pferde der Tierärztlichen Hochschule Hannover, Hannover; , 2Institut für Vetednär-Pathologie der Universität Leipzig, Leipzig

Histopathological findings in the cryptorchid testes of stallions
Heike Aupperlel, Kerstin Gerlach2, C.P. Barimann3, Sabine Beerhenkea4 and H.-A. Schoon1
1lnstitut für Veterlnär-Pathologie, Universitäl Leipzig, Deutschland; , 2Chirurgische Tierklinik, Un versilät Leipzig, Deutschland
3 Klinik für Pferde, Tierärztliche Hochschu e Hannover, Deutschland; a 4]]erklin k Vierhöfen, DeLrtschlan

Pre-seasonal breeding evaluation of the stallion
Joyce M. Pa e iet
Department of Equine Sciences secUon, Beproduction Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University

Sperm-associated seminal plasma proteins-a novel approach for the evaluation of sperm fertilizing ability of stallions?
Alexandra Reineke, O. Heß, Alexandra Schambony, Anna M. Petrounkina, H. Bader, H. Sieme” and Edda Töpfer- Petersen
Insttut für Reproduktionsmedizin, Tieräztliche Hochschule Hannover; ‘Niedersächsisches Landgestüt Cell

Aetiological significance of chlamydial infections inequine reproductive disorders ?
M. M. Wittenbrink
Institute of Veterinary Bacleriology, University of Zurich, Switzerlan

Angioses in the equine endometrium-Pathogenesis and clinical correlations
Doris Schoon, H.-4. Schoon and E. Klug
Institut für Veterinär Pathologie der Universität Leipzig; ‘Klnik für Pferde der Tiorärztlichen Hochschule Hannover

Doppler ultrasonographic studies of the uterine blood flow in mares 
Uta Blaich1, Svenja Petzoldl1, C.P. Baftmann1, K. Lorberl, H.-A. Schoon2, Gerit Raila2and H. Bollweins3
1 Klinik für Pferde der]-ierärztlichen Hochschule Hannover, Gemany
2 Institut für Veterinär-Pathologie der veterinärmedizinischen Fakultät, Universität Leipzig, Germany
3Gynäkologische und Ambulatorische Tirklinik der Ludwig-lvlaximilians-Universität, N/ünchen, Germany

Ultrasonographic Grey Scale Analysis (GSA ) of the equine uterus – practical relevance for feftility prognosis
K.J. Lorber1 , C.P. Barlmann1, E. Kug1, Uta Blaich1, Svenja Petzold1, H. A. Schoon2 and R. Hermesa3
1Klinik für Pferde, Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover, Germany
2Institut für Veterinär – Pathologie, Unlversität Leipzig, Germany
3Instltut für Zoo- und Wildtierlorschung (lWZ) Berlin, Germany

,,Endometrial maldifferentiation” – A clinically significant diagnosis in equine reproduction?
H.-4. Schoon, Doris Schoon, lsabell Wiegandt, C.-P. Baftmann. and Heike Aupperle
Institut fürVeterinär Pathologie def Universität Leipzigi ‘Klinik für Pferde def Tieräztlichen Hochschule Hannover

Pathology of the equine salpinx
Kerstin Medenbach1, Heike Aupperle1, Doris Schoon1, M.M. Wittenbrink2 and H.-A. Schoon1
1lnstitut für Veterinär-Pathologie, Universität Leipzig, Deutschland; 2 lnstitut für Veterinär-Bakteriologie, UniversitätZürich, Schwer

Suppression of PMN-chemotaxis by different molecular weight fractions of equine seminal plasma
M.H.T. Troedssonl, B.K. Franklin, and B.G. Crabo,
Deparlment of Clinlcal and Population Sciences, College of Vetednary l\,4edicinel, and Animal Sciences2, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, US

Uterine contractility in nonpregnant mares
T. Katila
Unversity of Helsinki, Department of Clin cal Veterinary Sciences, Saari Unit, l\4äntsälä, Finland

A new model system for endometritis in mares-preliminary results
F. Engelke1, H. Zerb€2, E. Kug3 andW. Leibold1
1lmmunology Unit, , 2Clinic for Bovine Gynecology and Obstetrics and 3 Cllnic for Horses, School ot Veterlnary l\,4edicine Hannover, Hannover, BBD

Oxytocin, plasma containing leukocytes or combination of both as treatment of postbreeding endometritis in the horse
R.C. Mattos1, Luciana Silva Meirelles1, E. Malschitzky1, L.F.F. Castilho2, Adriana Pires Neves1, Ana Luiza Gelpi Mattoss3, Magda Jöchins Vieira1, Andrea Keller1 , A.K. Hött1 and R.M. Gregory1
1Reprolab, Departamento de Ä/edicina Animal, Faculdade de Veterinäria, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Aegre, RS, Brazil
2lved crna Veterinäria, AGROPLA, Universldade do Planalto Central, Brasilia, DF, Brazil
3 Departamento de l\,4ed c na Veterinäria, Centro de Ciäncias da Saüde, ULBFA, Canoas, RS, Brazil

The treatment of equine endometritis in studfarm practice
S. W. Ricketts
Rossdale & Partners, Beaufort Cottage Stables, High Street, Newmarket, UK.

Uterine Durchblutung während der Gravidität der Stute
H. Bollwein, lna Woschee und R. Stolla
Gynäkologische und Ambulatorische Tierklinik der Llniversität München

The influence of maternal size on placental area and foal birthweights in the mare
Sandra Wilsher, Melanie Ball and W.R. Allen
university ofCambridge, Department of Cl nical Veterinary N/edic ne Equine Fertility Unt, Mertoun Paddocks, Newmaket, Suffolk, U.K.

The occurrence and successful veterinary management of twinning in the thoroughbred mare
R.E.S. Greenwood
Greenwood Ellis and partners, Newmaket

Uterine oxytocin responsiveness and maternal recognition of pregnancy in the mare
LÄ.E Stout and W.R. Allen
Univers ty of Cambridge, Department of Clinical Veterinary lvledicine, Cambridge, L.J.

Factors controlling chorioallantoic placentation in the mare
Francesca Stewaft12, Cornelia GerstenbergI  andW.R. Allen I
I Universjty of Cambridge, Department of Clinical Veterinary N,4edicine, Newmarket
2The Babraham Institute, Babraham, Cambrdq

Transvaginal ultrasound-guided reduction of twin conceptuses in the mare
Lee H.A. Morris1 , R.E.S. Greenwood2 and W.R. Allen1
1 University of Carnbddge, Department of Clinical Veterinary N.4edicine, Equine Fertility Unit, Mertoun Paddocks, Cambridge, 
2Reynolds House, High Street, Newrnarket, Suffolk

Ultrasonographic diagnosis and management of fetal abnormality in the mare in late pregnancy
A.J. Mccladdery
Rossdale and Partners, Beauiort Cottage Stables, High Street, Newmarket, UK

Relaxin as a biochemical marker of placental insufficiency in the horse: a review
P. Ryan1, Karen Bennet Wimbush2, Wendy E. Vaala3  and Carol A. Bagnell4
1Mississippi State Unlversity, Department of Animal and Dairy Sciences and Coege of Veterinary Medicine, lvlississ ppi State, USA
2Oho Stato Universlty, Wooster, USA, 3 Mid-Atlantic Equine MedicalCentre, Ringoes, USA,
4Rutgers Universty, Department of Animal Sciences. Cook College, New Brunswick, USA

Determination of conjugated oestrogens in maternal blood plasma and urine for pregnancy diagnosis and monitoring of foetal well-being in the mare
G. Schu/er and 8. Hoffmann
Klinik für Geburtshilfe, Gynäkologie und Andrologie der Groß- und Klentiere mlt tierärztlicher Ambulanz, Justus- Liebig-U nivers tät Gressen

Placentitis in Central Kentucky broodmares
W. W. Zent1, N. M. Williams2 and J. M. Donahu2
2Hagyard-Davidson-N4ccee Associates, Psc., Lexington, Kentucky, uSA,
1 Department of Veterinary Science, LJn versity ol Kenlucky, Lexington, Kentucky, LJSA