Pferdeheilkunde-Equine Medicine, Vol. 19, Issue 6, November/December 2003

Clinical aspects of ovarian pathology in the mare
Mats H. T. Troedsson1, Patrick M. McCue2 and Margo L. Macpherson1
Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville1and Equine Reproduction Laboratory
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Colorado State University2

The equine cyclic corpus luteum: microvascularization, luteal cells characterization and function
Garça M. Ferreira-Dias and Luisa Mateus
CIISA, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Lisboa

Histopathological findings in ovarian vessels in comparison to the alterations in extraovarian, extrauterine and uterine vessels in the mare
Heike Aupperle, Ines Hasenbein, Christin Ellenberger, Sylke Ludwig, Doris Schoon, Heinz-Adolf Schoon
Institut für Veterinär-Pathologie, Universität Leipzig

Ovariectomy as a therapeutic principle for ovarian disorders in horses – Indication, surgical procedures and results
Claus Peter Bartmann1,2,Viola Schiemann1, Christin Ellenberger3, Hans-Otto Hoppen4 und Heinz-Adolph Schoon3
Klinik für Pferde, Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover1, Einsatz- und Ausbildungszentrum für Gebirgstragtierwesen 230, Bad Reichenhall2, Institut für Veterinär-
Pathologie, Universität Leipzig3 und Zentrumsabteilung für Chemische Analytik und Endokrinologie, Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover4

Einfluss der Laktation auf Stoffwechsel und Ovarfunktion bei Stuten
Christine Aurich1, Birgit Heidler2, Helga Sauerwein3, Rupert M. Bruckmaier4, Ute Heintges3 und Nahid Parvizi5
Besamungs- und Embryotransferstation1 und Universitätsklinik für Geburtshilfe, Gynäkologie und Andrologie2 der Veterinärmedizinischen Universität Wien,
Institut für Anatomie und Physiologie der Haustiere, Universität Bonn3, Institut für Physiologie, Technische Universität München, Feising-Weihenstephan4
und Institut für Tierzucht (FAL), Neustadt-Mariensee5

Follicular aspiration during transition to advance the onset of cyclicity
Angela Klump, Abdul Aljarrah, Marina Sansinena, Darin Hylan, Carlos Pinto, Bruce Eilts, Robert Godke and Dale Paccamonti
Louisiana State University

Incidence and morphology of anovulatory haemorrhagic follicles in the mare
Anne-Cécile Lefranc and W. R. Allen
Department of Clinical Veterinary Medicine Equine Fertility Unit, University of Cambridge

Molecular and functional characteristics of dominant follicles during spring transition in mares: a review
Elaine D. Watson1, Sung-Eun Bae1 and David G. Armstrong2
University of Edinburgh, Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies1 and Roslin Institute (Edinburgh)2, Midlothian, UK

Effects of hormone treatments, season, age and type of mares on ovulation, twinning and pregnancy rates of mares inseminated with fresh and frozen semen
Terttu Katila
University of Helsinki, Department of Clinical Veterinary Sciences, Saari Unit, Mäntsälä, Finland

Persistent anovulatory follicles in the mare
Simone Först, Hedwig Niederstucke and Hans-Otto Hoppen
ZA für Chemische Analytik und Endokrinologie, Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover

Ultrastructural and immunohistochemical characterization of the physiological and pathological inactivity of the equine endometrium
Heike Aupperle, Katja Steiger, Anne Reischauer and Heinz-Adolf Schoon
Institut für Veterinär-Pathologie, Universität Leipzig

Early pregnancy failure as seen during the course of equine stud farm practice in Newmarket, 1996-2003
Sidney W. Ricketts
Rossdale and Partners, Beaufort Cottage Laboratories, High Street, Newmarket, UK.

Pregnancy and embryo loss rates in non-lactating mares bred in the first or in other estrus cycles during the breeding season
Eduardo Malschitzky1,2; Alexandre Schilela1 ; Ana Luiza G. Mattos2; Petra Garbade1; Ricardo M. Gregory1 and Rodrigo Costa Mattos1
REPROLAB, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre1 and ULBRA, Canoas2

Intrauterine fluid accumulation during foal heat increases embryonic death
Eduardo Malschitzky1, 2; Alexandre Schilela1; Ana Luiza G. Mattos2; Petra Garbade1, Ricardo M. Gregory1 and Rodrigo C. Mattos1
Reprolab, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre1 and ULBRA, Canoas2

Uterine perfusion and early pregnancy rates in brood mares
Rudolf Stolla1, Jochen Ratjen2, Harald Sieme2 and Heinrich Bollwein1
Gynäkologische und Ambulatorische Tierklinik der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München1 und Niedersächsisches Landgestüt Celle2

Early pregnancy loss in aged mares: probable causes and possible cures
Björn P. B. Rambags, Ben Colenbrander and Tom A. E. Stout
Department of Equine Sciences, Section of Reproduction; Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands

Therapeutic considerations or pharmacological treatment of delayed uterine clearance
Dale L. Paccamonti and Sara K. Lyle
Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge

Transendoscopic synechiolysis of extensive intrauterine adhesions by repeated operative hysteroscopy in a mare – a case report
Viola Schiemann and Claus Peter Bartmann
Clinic for Horses, School of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Germany

Morpho-functional studies regarding the pathogenesis of the equine endometrosis with special emphasis on uterine secretions – preliminary results
Christine Hoffmann1, Fuller W. Bazer2, Jörg Klug3, W. R. (Twink) Allen4, Heike Aupperle1, Christin Ellenberger1 und Heinz-Adolf Schoon1
Institut für Veterinär-Pathologie der Universität Leipzig1, Dept. for Animal Science Texas A&M University, Texas2, Institut für Molekularbiologie und Tumorforschung
(IMT), Philipps-Universität Marburg3 and University of Cambridge, Dept. of Clinical Vet. Medicine, Equine Fertility Unit, Newmarket4

Ovum pick up in horses: Results and consequences for follicular growth and oocyte quality
Wilhelm Kanitz1, Frank Becker1, Hannelore Alm1, Helmut Torner1 und Gerd Nürnberg2
Research Institute for the Biology of Farm Animals, Department of Reproductive Biology1 and Department of Genetics and Biometry2, Dummerstorf, Germany

Sexing of Stallion Semen
Detlef Rath and Harald Sieme1
Institute of Animal Science, Mariensee (FAL) and National Stud, Celle1

Effect of sperm number and site/technique of insemination on pregnancy in mares
Harald Sieme1,3 Anna Bonk2, Jochen Ratjen2, Erich Klug2 and Detlef Rath4
National Stud of Lower Saxony, Celle1, Clinic for Horses2, Institute for Reproductive Medicine3, Veterinary School Hanover and Institute of Animal Science, Mariensee (FAL)4

Selection and management of the embryo transfer donor mare
Tom A. E. Stout
Department of Equine Sciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands

Commercial equine embryo transfer in the United States
Patrick M. McCue1 and Mats H. T. Troedsson2
Department of Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins1 and
Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville2

Neue Diagnosemöglichkeiten, Therapiegrundlagen und Technologien in der tierärztlichen Reproduktionsmedizin und deren kaufrechtliche Bedeutsamkeiten – Genügen Umfang und Intensität der derzeitigen reproduktionsmedizinischen Untersuchungen des Pferdes den Anforderungen des neuen Schuldrechts? – Teil 1: Stute
Erich Klug
Klinik für Pferde der Tierärztlichen Hochschule Hannover

The Category I mare (Kenney and Doig 1986): Expected foaling rate 80-90% – fact or fiction?
Heinz-Adolf Schoon und Doris Schoon
Institut für Veterinär-Pathologie, Universität Leipzig

Early pregnancy failure in the mare
W. R. Allen
University of Cambridge, Department of Clinical Veterinary Medicine,
Equine Fertility Unit, Mertoun Paddocks, Woodditton Road, Newmarket,
Suffolk CB8 9 BH, UK